2019年10月12日 星期六

Not about FRICTION anymore, the myths about iliotibial band syndrome.

Do you still prescribe IT band stretch to athletes with IT band syndrome?

IT band syndrome has long been thought to result from friction between of the tight IT band and lateral epicondyle of femur. It may sound reasonable in the beginning.
In fact, IT band syndrome is an overuse injury related to training load error. Either abrupt increase in running distance or training intensity will increase the injury risk. However, there are some terrible misunderstandings that make athletes spend their time on useless stretches. Let’s take a look at the newly found facts that may oppose to what we used to call “general concepts.”

The IT band is a ligament-like structure well fixed to the lateral thigh. 

  • The proximal part of the IT band is a three-layer structure. The superficial and intermediate layers are part of the fascia of Tensor Fascia Lata muscle. The deep layer extended to the hip joint and merged with the joint capsule. 
  • The middle part, or the tendon part of the IT band connects to the fascia of vastus lateralis muscle and posterior hamstring muscle. 
  • The distal part of the IT band also collects fascia fibers from lateral thigh muscles, attaches to Gerdy’s tubercle at lateral tibia and further continues to form part of the lateral collateral ligament of knee. 

The IT band is so strong and firm that nearly responds to mechanical tension force. 

According to a cadaver research, The total length of the iliotibial band remained almost the same after repetitive stretching.

Instead of friction, soft tissue under the iliotibial band I fact undergoes compression during the movement of the lower extremity. 

The compression is greatest with the eccentric load when the hip is slightly extended and adducted with the knee joint flexed. It happened to be the posture of the trailing leg when we walk downstairs or run downhill. And that is the reason trail runners are more susceptible to IT band syndrome.

Return to Sports from iliotibial band syndrome

Nowadays, we have the athletes to stay active when the acute pain subsided. Rehabilitation programs should be started to prepare for returning to sports.
  1. Gait analysis is helpful in detecting risky gait pattern such as cross-over gait, trunk wobble or hip drop. Prolonged ground contact time is another factor to be corrected. Ground contact time in elite athletes may be as short as 170 ms while it can exceed 220 ms in marathon enthusiasts. Velocity-based training may be the key method to shorten the ground contact time. 
  2. To achieve maximal exercise load, we make the athletes to run upslope on treadmill. The compression force is less likely to increase during upslope running and thus can keep athletes in better physical activity status. 
  3. Core muscle strengthening is important because trunk and pelvis tilting/drop/rotation tend to increase if the core muscles do not play their role as stabilizers effectively and efficiently. Lateral drop of the hip also place the body in the posture more vulnerable to ITBS. 
  4. Lateral hip muscles strengthening is another essential program to prevent from recurrence of ITBS. Followings are exercises frequently prescribed to athletes by the author. 
  • Clam shell exercise 
  • Side raising of leg 
  • Monster walk (side walking) 
  • Romanian split squat 
  • Romanian split deadlift 
  • Pistol squat 

Back to our question, will you still prescribe stretching exercise for your athletes suffering from ITBS? If your athletes feel more steady and sure with stretching or massage, the better targets are the muscles contracting the IT band. Therefore, tensor fascia lata, gluteal maximum, vastus lateralis, and lateral hamstring muscles are the muscle to be stretched and massaged.

How do you think about the ideas? Welcome to bring up your opinions.


  1. Hyland, Scott, and Matthew Varacallo. "Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Iliotibial Band (Tract)." StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing, 2019. 
  2. Jelsing, Elena J., et al. "Sonographic evaluation of the iliotibial band at the lateral femoral epicondyle: does the iliotibial band move?." Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 32.7 (2013): 1199-1206. 
  3. Devan, Michelle R., et al. "A prospective study of overuse knee injuries among female athletes with muscle imbalances and structural abnormalities." Journal of athletic training 39.3 (2004): 263.
  4. Ali, Mohammed, et al. "The use of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a systematic literature review." Journal of hip preservation surgery 5.3 (2018): 209-219.

2019年10月5日 星期六




髂脛束是大腿外側最強壯的跨關節(髖關節及膝關節)穩定構造,最新的研究中指出,髂脛束是複雜的多層結構。髂脛束的起點是髂骨(Ilium)的上緣,由臀大肌(Gluteal Maximus)、擴筋膜張肌(Tensor Fascia Lata, TFL)的表層及深層筋膜加上股直肌反摺頭(reflected head of rectus femoris)構成,這三層組織在大轉子外側匯集成一束強壯的構造,這條構造與其說是肌腱,更像是具有強大韌性的「韌帶」,跨過整個大腿外側延伸到膝蓋外側,與股外斜肌、外側腿後肌筋膜匯集,附著在脛骨外側結節(Gerdy’s Tubercle)並延續形成膝蓋的外側副韌帶。


大部分「髂脛束症候群」是訓練錯誤(training error)造成的結果。增加太快的跑量或強度是導致髂脛束症候群的主要原因,所以最容易發生在初學者或是剛開始進行進階課表訓練的跑者,跑者常常在跑到一定距離後就會開始覺得膝蓋外側疼痛。另一個好發的族群則是越野跑的跑者,越野跑選手則最容易在進行「下坡跑」的時候引起髂脛束症候群。



那麼髂脛束的緊繃是否真的存在呢?早在2004年也有研究指出,就算在有髂脛束症候群的運動員身上,專門檢查髂脛束緊繃程度的Ober test也都是陰性,說明髂脛束症候群跟髂脛束本身的緊繃可能沒有明顯關係



步伐跨中線(cross-over gait)





根據研究,頂尖跑者跑步時的觸地時間可以控制到170毫秒以內,而業餘跑者則多在200毫秒以上,觸地時間越長,髂脛束下的軟組織受到壓迫的時間也就越長。要分析觸地時間,可以透過穿戴式裝置搭配特殊軟體監控,或是透過動作攝影來進行動作分析,但在訓練時可能必須要搭配主動認知訓練、下肢的爆發力訓練,以及速度為主的訓練(velocity-based training)來達成目的



因為髂脛束症候群長久被認為是緊繃、摩擦導致的結果,所以患者大多被建議要進行髂脛束的伸展,事實上國外根據大體實驗,把屍體的髂脛束截下來以後經過機械力重複拉扯,發現髂脛束幾乎不會因為伸展而延長,因此髂脛束的伸展已經逐漸被認為是效果不佳的治療方式。儘管在英國運動醫學雜誌(BJM)三月份的衛教資料the BJM Visual summary中仍然建議可以進行伸展運動,但在文末也註明了這些資料的證據強度並不高。Dr. 6在平常門診遇到有髂脛束症候群的跑者時,除非擴筋膜張肌(TFL)或是臀大肌有明顯緊繃或壓痛,否則也很少建議跑者進行伸展,但進行伸展本身並沒有壞處,所以Dr. 6也不反對跑者積極進行伸展運動。


根據前文內容的描述,不難理解用滾筒或是直接按摩髂脛束本身,並沒有辦法解決髂脛束對下方組織的壓迫,甚至在近一步壓迫受傷組織時可能會讓發炎情形加劇。如果真的要進行按摩或放鬆,Dr. 6認為其實有更理想的目標肌肉,應該針對拉扯髂脛束的肌肉群(擴筋膜張肌及臀大肌)進行放鬆,以達到目的。




雖然目前臨床研究還沒有足夠的證據支持特定的下肢肌力強化能預防及治療髂脛束症候群,但逐漸形成的共識是髖關節周圍的肌力訓練較可能預防髂脛束症候群。尤其是進行「側向的髖週肌力強化」以及「神經肌肉控制訓練」最能預防髂脛束症候群發生或是復發。下面Dr. 6精選了七個動作,由聯新運動醫學中心的林建宏教練示範,教大家怎麼在家進行預防髂脛束症候群的訓練吧!


對於急性發作的嚴重疼痛,必要時在發生的前24~48小時可以冰敷,但根據最新的「軟組織傷害PEACE & LOVE原則」,如果不是很疼痛或超過48小時就應該進行熱敷而不應該進行長時間冰敷,以免影響組織的修復。如果有嚴重無法緩解的疼痛,可以嘗試短期使用口服消炎藥物或是局部類固醇注射,但是專家證實,使用消炎藥物超過一週可能會影響組織的修復,而且可能增加腎臟負擔及產生腸胃道不適的副作用,應盡量避免長期使用,或在練習時預防性使用。受到髂脛束壓迫的組織若是恢復不良,持續有發炎情形,最新的文獻顯示高濃度自體血小板(Platelet-Rich-Plasma, PRP)是安全且有效的治療方式,建議在確診後,於超音波導引下進行精準注射,以達到治療效果。


  1. Hyland, Scott, and Matthew Varacallo. "Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Iliotibial Band (Tract)." StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing, 2019. 
  2. Jelsing, Elena J., et al. "Sonographic evaluation of the iliotibial band at the lateral femoral epicondyle: does the iliotibial band move?." Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 32.7 (2013): 1199-1206. 
  3. Devan, Michelle R., et al. "A prospective study of overuse knee injuries among female athletes with muscle imbalances and structural abnormalities." Journal of athletic training 39.3 (2004): 263.
  4. Ali, Mohammed, et al. "The use of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a systematic literature review." Journal of hip preservation surgery 5.3 (2018): 209-219.


每年夾腳拖馬拉松結束後, Dr.6 都會被記者問到這個問題:穿夾腳拖跑馬拉松真的好嗎?與多數的醫師持相同意見, Dr.6 也反對穿傳統夾腳拖跑步。 隨著 台灣超馬好手羅維銘 在紐約 5000 公里超馬挑戰賽中暫居第二,且長距離穿著夾腳拖鞋跑步的話題再現,大家的好奇度又提高了起來。...